Business, New Products
Aberdeen Office
We are proud to announce the latest addition to our fold. Aroplus (Sct) Ltd. Due to the demands of the Offshore Oil & Gas and Marine Industries. DPGOC felt the need to put product where the demand was highest. Our Dyce Office near Aberdeen airport is now stocking over 100 Air Operated Double Diaphragm (AODD) Pumps from a variety of manufacturers in materials suitable for all applications. BOGE Compressors are also part of the stocked portfolio with units available for sale or hire. For breathable air, BAUER Compressors are also held. Air Operated Piston Jet washers compliment the fleet again available for hire or sale.
As with all air driven equipment. Wet contaminated air is always a problem. So we have developed specialised versions of DropOut, the patented air cleaner that removes 99.9999% of water from compressed air lines and requires no power, no maintenance & no consumables. Just fit and forget. With its multiple stages, any air volume can be treated at source quickly and efficiently